Schedule At-A-Glance (Subject to Change)

  • Full schedule coming soon.

  • We will soon add BIPOC and other affinity group meetups, Forest Legacy roundtable, and more!

  • See list of workshops here.

July 9

1:00pm - 4:00pm Field Trips
5:00pm - Networking happy hour

July 10

7:45am - Breakfast
9:00am - Opening Plenary
10:45am - Session 1 (90 minutes)
12:15pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Session 2 (90 minutes)
3:30pm - Session 3 (90 minutes)
5:15pm - Networking
6:00pm - Dinner Reception

July 11

7:45am - Breakfast
9:00am - Session 4 (90 minutes)
10:45am - Session 5 (90 minutes)
12:15pm - Lunch
1:45pm - Session 6 (90 minutes)
3:30pm - Pre-Dinner Plenary (90 minutes)
5:15pm - Networking
6:00pm - Dinner

July 12

8:00am - 9:30am - Breakfast and cohort debrief